Standard values

With the Standard values plugin standard values can be set when new entries are made in Uniconta. For instance, when a new sales order is created, fields can be prefilled with values. The values for the fields to be filled-in can be based on the logged in users. When no user is defined in the settings the standard value will be used for every user where the plugin is activated.

The plugin will work for every form page like the example below:

Standard values

In this example the fields Delivery date and the Dimension 01 has been prefilled with a standard value using the plugin.

Virtually any field on a form page could be set to a standard value using this plugin.

The plugin can also set standard values on gridpages. This is, however, at this moment limited to gridpages where (stock) items are filled in, like the ‘sales order lines page(DebtorOrdersLine)’ or the ‘stock journal lines page(InventoryJournalLines)’

When on a row a new Item is chosen, the plugin can fill in standard values on any field.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us.


Per month
Per user €2,-
